Write for Charity Project

From the Heart
A Collection of Stories and Poems from the Front Lines of Parenting.

Fabumom has been selected to appear in an anthology about motherhood.  The book is titled: 'From the Heart:  A Collection of Stories and Poems from the Front Lines of Parenting', and will be available to purchase this May.  101 very talented Authors (and mothers) were selected to appear in this anthology honoring motherhood and the proceeds are for a wonderful cause.

Excerpt of our contribution

More on the Book

'From the Heart: A Collection of Stories and Poems from the Front Lines of Parenting' will be published in May of 2010.  With the help of many distinguished and very talented authors, our hope to use words to better the lives of children in America will come to fruition. 

With this book, we will help to ensure that every child gets the opportunity for the care they need, regardless of their family’s ability to pay. We will be able to invest in future cures for some of life’s most devastating diseases.

Please check back in the coming weeks to find out more information on the book. 


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Photo Courtesy of Flckr


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